Peach Sauce

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Peach Sauce, No. 1. 
To be served cold.
Pare and cut in halves ½ dozen peaches;
stew them in sugar syrup; press them through a sieve;
thicken them with a little arrowroot or cornstarch;
boil a minute, add a little white wine and serve.

Or boil the peaches (after they are peeled and free from the stones) in sugar syrup until tender;
then take them out, put in a dish, cut each half into 4 pieces and pour the liquor over them;
then serve with tapioca pudding.

Peach Sauce, No. 2. 
Beat 1 tablespoonful butter with 4 tablespoonfuls powdered sugar to a cream;
add the yolks of 2 eggs;
beat until very light and creamy;
then beat the whites of the 2 eggs to a stiff froth;
add the sauce to them by degrees;
keep on beating with an egg beater until all is well mixed together and stir 1 cup of fine, cut peaches through it;
serve with boiled pudding.
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